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   ÇöÀçÀ§Ä¡ : HOME > ¾ÆÆ®³× Ä¿¹Â´ÏƼ / °ø¸ð, ±¸ÀÎ, ±¸Á÷
  Á¦¸ñ   Director of Exhibitions
  ±Û¾´ÀÌ   ARTne
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Salary: Commensurate with experience

Education: Bachelor (BA, BS, etc.)

Location: New York, New York, 10013, United States

Posted by: Artists Space

Job Category: Management

Language(s): English

Job posted on: June 27, 2007

Area of Focus: Art, Architecture, Music

Type: Full time

Last day to apply: August 26, 2007

Last updated: June 28, 2007



Position Overview:

The Director of Exhibitions oversees and is responsible for the production of Artists Space¡¯s exhibition and public programs. Interfacing and communicating with the Executive Director and Deputy Director, while overseeing and working with the Gallery Manager, the Director of Exhibitions coordinates and facilitates exhibition development, installation, and de-installation with and independently of guest curators. The Director of Exhibition is also responsible for drafting and maintaining exhibitions and programs budget in collaboration with the guest curators.

Position Responsibilities:


-Act as primary liaison with with guest curators to realize all aspects of exhibitions from conception to development and organization, including scheduling, installation, publicity, and education

-Develop and implement working exhibition schedule

-Generate exhibition budgets and supervise spending

-Coordinate artist production as needed

-Schedule guest curators and artists travel and accommodations

-Organize artist talks, screenings and private views

-Plan and execute exhibition installations including managing outside contractors, curatorial staff, and interns

-Establish installation schedule and communicate the calendar to entire staff

-Create all exhibition signage and labels, exhibition checklist, and exhibition material


-Arrange in-house and traveling exhibition loans with artists, galleries, collectors, and museums

-Handle condition reports, preservation, framing and storage of artworks

-Manage local and international shipping and packing, including crating where needed

-Organize appropriate customs forms and insurance


-Coordinate the copy, design and printing of promotional materials for exhibitions, press releases and website pages


-Oversee scheduling of publications and coordination of designers, curators, writers, copy editing, and printing production


-Organize grants and foundation proposals for upcoming exhibitions with Development staff and assist with support material


Qualified candidates will have an advanced degree in art, art history, or arts administration, and a minimum 4-6 years not-for-profit arts administrative experience, including registrarial practices and artwork installation. Applicants must have strong interpersonal skills, enjoy team work within a small staff, and be self-managed. Excellent writing, editing, and professional phone skills are essential. Must be proactive and enjoy problem solving and multitasking. Must be prepared to work flexible hours. Knowledge of Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign, and Filemaker Pro.


About Artists Space:

One of the first alternative spaces in New York, Artists Space was founded in 1972 to support contemporary artists working in the fields of visual arts, performance, architecture and design. The mission of Artists Space is to encourage experimentation, diversity and dialogue in contemporary arts practice, provide an exhibition space for new art and artists, and foster an appreciation for the vital role that artists play in our community.

How to Apply:

Application Procedure:

Please submit resume and cover letter via email to hr@artistsspace.org. Include position title in subject line and salary requirements on your inquiry. We are an equal opportunity employer. For information about Artists Space and our programs, please visit http://www.artistsspace.org.

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  Director of Exhibitions
ARTne 2007-07-08 2961
  Curator of Exhibitions
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